

Welcome to the Troop 416 Information Site!

Welcome Visitors!

Please see information below about our Troop and please contact us if you have any questions 


Troop Introduction

Welcome to the Troop 416 Site!  We are a Boy and Girl Troop in Plano, Texas, near Coit and Legacy at the Preston Meadow Lutheran Church.  Below is general information about our troop. We invite you to join us if you want to visit, meet our scouts and leaders, or talk about scouting and what our troop can offer.

For general information or questions about our Troop, please email John Haasl (haasl.bsa@gmail.com) or use the Email option on the left navigation bar.


Troop Philosophy on Participation...

“No matter what a Scout’s participation level, we are thrilled to have each one attend whenever they
can and hope they will attend as often as possible. Each Scout is important and offers so
much to the overall program of the Troop. Each Scout is missed when he is not present.”

The Troop strives to live up to our "Scout Led" philosophy.  The Scouts plan and decide on activities, camps, and other Troop-related activities, and our Adult leaders and parents are there to support those decisions.  We believe in encouraging our scouts to make decisions and learn from experiences while fostering a safe environment for them to grow into leaders.



  • Troop 416 started in April of 2006.
  • Size of Troops:
    • Boy Troop: 35 Scouts
    • Girl Troop: 10 Scouts
  • Local Schools Frisco & Plano ISD
  • Over 100 Scouts have attained the Rank of Eagle since troop inception!

 Troop Meetings

The Troop typically meets every Sunday afternoon, where the Scouts work on Trail to First Class, rank advancement, merit badges, and other Scouting activities.  The Scouts work together to plan, lead, and mentor fellow peers to work through their Scouting requirements together.

  • Location Preston Meadow Lutheran Church - 6801 Coit Rd Plano, TX 75024 - N33° 04' 04", W096° 46' 18".
  • Day/Time Start Time: Sundays at 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM.
  • We meet at least 3 Sundays per Month, with a weekend dedicated to camping or other Troop outdoor activities.


PMLC Location

Google Maps Link to PMLC


In addition to Troop Activities, we participate in local and council-related Service Projects. One activity we have is to remove trash on Independence Road, from Hwy 121 to Rolater Rd, 3-4 times a year.  We sponsor that portion of Independence, so look for our Troop Sign if you are in the area! 



A big part of Scouting is Camping.  It offers boys and girls an experience they don't normally get and helps foster outdoor skills. It also introduces them to cooking, camping, and other fun outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, and canoeing.  The Troop strives for an outdoor or camping activity each month and plans and attends summer and winter camps that the Scouts decide on.

  • Frequency of Camping: Either a Campout or another outdoor/indoor activity once every month
  • Distance Travelled: on average Campout locations are determined by the Scouts, we typically will either camp within 1 - 1.5 hours from the base or 3-4 hours.
  • Transportation: SM and ASM attending will transport scouts; any parent attending can also transport scouts. 

Recent and Upcoming Camps:

  • Summer Camp 2025 Camp Constantine, Texas.

The Troop also participates in High adventures and typically rotates through the adventures each year.  

High Adventure Florida Sea Base - Northern Tier High Adventure Base - Summit Bechtel Reserve - Philmont Scout Ranch 

  • 2022 - Northern Tier
  • 2025 - Philmont 
  • 2026 - Sea Base


Equipment and Gear

Troop 416 has all the equipment necessary for camping and cooking. All the scouts need to bring is
their basic personal gear. Cloths, Daypack, water bottle, rain gear, shoes, camp shoes, etc.. We have a
list of camps and seasons sent before campouts.

  • Average Cost Per Scout $35-$50 - Depending on the camp and location and any equipment rental fees.
  • Average Cost Per Registered Adult $20


Fund Raising

Mulch! Mulch! Mulch! Ask us about Mulch!!! We only sell mulch for fundraising. Sales are over 1
month, with all the mulch delivered on one Saturday in March. Our Mulch sales fully fund our Trop for
a year, and $1 (approx 1/4 of the bag of mulch sale price) of every bag of mulch sold goes to the Scouts
Scout account.




BSA Annual Fee $85 - BSA Scout Life annual magazine subscription - Troop Annual Fee $0

(Note - All Arrow of Light  transfers are not charged the BSA or Troop Fees; Arrow of Light transfers will pay BSA annual Fees on the anniversary of the last Pack Fee)


Scout Accounts

Scouts can use the money they have saved in their scout accounts through fundraiser
participation to pay for events. This is the most preferred method. It allows the boys to earn their
way, pay attention to their available funds, and see the fruits of participating in fundraisers.
Some events may be too large and costly for this, but it is good to use whenever possible. 


We encourage you to join us at a Troop meeting to talk and meet with our Scouts and Leaders.  Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to join so we can ensure that it's a weekend we will be meeting.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions about our Troop or BSA Scouts!

We look forward to meeting with you!


Troop 416 Gif

**** Troop416 NEW Parent orientation information for 2025 ****

Posted on Jan 12 2025 - 10:59am

Please see the attached file for Frequently Asked Questions and information on Troop 416.  If you still have any questions about anything Scout related, please talk to any of our Adult Leaders at the next Troop meeting!

!!! For those looking for Troop upcoming activity and RSVP information !!!

Posted on Sep 25 2023 - 10:07am

Just a reminder that we have transitioned to using Scoutbook for all of our Calendar and Activity Tracking.  Please make sure your Scoutbook account is active and reach out to our Adult Leaders if you have any issues!






Camp James Ray Webelos Woods #1

Posted on Sep 22 2023 - 1:23pm

Camp James Ray

September 22 - 24, 2023

Event Details:
• Location: Camp James Ray, 2026 Mill Creek Rd., Pottsboro, TX 75076
• Check-in for Troops: after 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 22, 2023
• Check-in for Packs: either Friday, September 22 after 5:00 p.m. or Saturday, September 23 from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
• Registration closes: Sunday, September 17, 2023, at 11:00 p.m.
• Annual Medical Health Record A&B

Troop 416 Elections - Sunday February 26 Troop meeting

Posted on Feb 22 2023 - 4:15pm

Just a reminder that we will be holding our semi-annual Troop elections this coming Sunday!  We will elect the next SPL as well as sign up for leadership positions, so please make every effort to attend this important meeting!

January Campout Change - Eisenhower State Park

Posted on Jan 14 2023 - 8:39pm

We had to make an adjustment to the January Campout for next weekend.  The campout will now be at Eisenhower State Park instead of Turner Falls.  

Please double check if you are signed up or are interested in signing up for the campout.

The Scouts will also be meal planning for the campout at the 01/15 Troop Meeting.

Food Shopping for the campout will be on Thursday the 19th at 7:00PM at the Wal-Mart on Ohio and 121.

Trail to First Class - Orienteering Requirement - January 15th Troop Meeting

Posted on Jan 14 2023 - 8:38pm

We will be setting up an orienteering course on 01/15 at the PMLC for anyone that needs this requirement completed for Trail to First Class.  Please make sure to attend to get it signed off. 

You don't have to be currently working on First Class rank to get it signed off, any Scout, Tenderfoot or Second Class Scout can work on this.

Upcoming Events

  • no upcoming events available